Všechny vlajky světa
Other title(s): Flags from All Around the World
Genre: Documentary film
Year: 1949
Runtime: 00:26:00
Description: A depiction of the World Youth Festival in Prague in July 1947. The celebration of the idea of multiculturalism through the scenes of Prague sightseeing, collective sport activities, visits to cultural venues. It contains a strong anti-fascist references to Lidice. The countries from West and East are presented equally. The motif of pacifism prevails.
Keywords: city center / culture / overcrowding / stadium / youth / sports event / commemoration / celebrating / parade / historical architecture / anti-fascism / youth organization / internationalism / pacifism / centrum města / kultura / přeplněnost / stadión / mládí / sportovní událost / připomínka / slaví / průvod / historická architektura / antifašismus / organizace mládeže / internacionalismus / pacifismus / Guy de Boysson / Zdeněk Hejzlar / Praha / Lidice / Prague / Lidice / VICTOR-E project
Provider: Národní filmový archiv
Rights: In Copyright / NFA/Dillia
Production company: Krátký film
Colour: Black & White
Director: K. M. Walló
Sound: With sound
Document type:
Language: cs